Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hi everyone!

I'm mostly updating this time around to tell those of you who are reading about a new development between Katerina and I. As I mentioned in my last post, she and I met at one of my friend's parties and hit it off really well.

We're officially going out now. We didn't really make a 'proper' decision or anything, it was more one of those things where we introduced each other as our 'boyfriend'/'girlfriend' at this get together last week. I guess it was just already obvious to the both of us.

She is really lovely. She has short, slightly curly black hair and brown eyes. She is from Greece, more specifically from Thessaloniki, which is the country's second largest city, after Athens. She speaks English fluently however which I suppose is one thing that makes the relationship work!! Nevertheless when we hang out with her other Greek friends it just becomes what I like to call "Greeklish", a nice mixture of the two languages. Her friends are really cool too. She hangs out with this girl Mary a lot, whom they met while studying together in Crete. Mary is a lot of fun, she just loves to laugh and make jokes! She and Katerina loved it when I showed them Eddie Izzard (mad props to you Kara, if you're reading!!!). They especially liked his "Evil Giraffe" bit and of course the "Covered in Bees" bit. I really am loving when Katerina speaks Greek though, since I love hearing and especially learning new languages! Maybe I'll be able to get her to teach me some, but we'll see. She did teach me "Filakia" which means "kisses!" It is hard for me to describe what the language sounds like, in comparison to other languages, but I like it!

It is refreshing to be with someone whom I can be myself around, without having to put on a mask, so to speak. She said the same thing about me when we met. I would say that she is opinionated and passionate about what she thinks, which I love. I'm that way myself! The other day, we had an interesting discussion about the riots in Greece recently which were all over the news, and she and Mary took part in them! She loves music absolutely as much as I do, and we spend a lot of time showing each other bands and videos on YouTube, which may be a strange way for us to spend our time together but it is still cool. I got really excited when I found out she loves house/trance/club music as much as me, though I suppose we disagree sometimes on what 'club' music is good. She had me watch Velvet Goldmine (her favorite movie), and surprisingly I had never seen it before (Erin, if you're reading, I know, I'm a terrible person for not having seen it), and we share a mutual affinity for John Rhys Meyers. In simpler terms, we both think he's really good looking.

The only source of possible tension is that she's pretty laid back, and sometimes I'm a bit crazy about things. I'll need to learn to relax more I guess!! Perhaps it's not in my nature as an American to calm down though . . . haha

I'll have to see how the relationship develops as time goes by, but right now I'm just so happy to be with her.


Anonymous said...

yay for noah! i want to meet this pretty lady and learn greek from her too :D i love hearing about the good times you have...keep the posts coming!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Noah - that is very exciting news ^_^ I know how it is to be with someone more laid back than yourself but it really helped me unwind a bit and I think it'll be great for you too! Unfortunately I did not get to meet her or to see you but Kara did show me Eddie Izzard so you were basically there in spirit!